Lex Witness published coverage of successful “INBA-IAPP India Summit” in their October 2015 issue

Lex Witness published coverage of successful “INBA-IAPP India Summit” in their October 2015 issue



On 23rd September, 2015, Indian National Bar Association (‘INBA’) represented by Kaviraj Singh, Secretary General and S.Ramaswamy Chairman, General Counsel Section and International Association of Privacy Professionals (‘IAPP’) represented by Rajesh Kumar and Kavitha Gupta, Co-Chairs of the Bangalore KnowledgeNet Chapter, who came together to host the first ‘Privacy, Data Protection and Cyber Security’ summit at ITC Gardenia, Bengaluru. The event started with a Welcome Addressnote from Hon’ble Mr. Justice M. Chinnappa (Retd), Chairman, State Police Complaint Authority, on the recent technological evolutions and the increasing amount of cybercrimes that are compromising individual rights to privacy. This was followed by thoughts shared by Mr. Dwarakanath Thallam, President FKCCI,, Kaviraj Singh, Secretary General, INBA, V. Rajesh Kumar, Co-Chair of Bangalore KnowledgeNet Chapter of International Association of Privacy Professionals and S.Ramaswamy Chairman, General Counsel Section. This set the stage for thought-provoking multiple sessions that followed, graced by several stalwarts from the industry and legal profession. Various technical sessions through the day involved discussions on “IoT and Big Data – Evolving growth of new technologies and potential challenges to Security and Privacy,” chaired by Srinivas Poosarla, VP & Global Head, Privacy & Data Protection, Infosys, “Privacy in Doldrums – Adapting to an Information Age,” moderated by V. Rajesh Kumar, Lead Manager- Privacy and Data Protection, Infosys, “Data Privacy and Data Protection in the context of Outsourcing Contracts,” moderated by Kavitha Gupta, Senior Legal Counsel, Hitachi Consulting.

The Sessions ended with active participation by the audience through Q & A. This was followed by a 10 minute in-depth presentation by Shri Raghu , President ISACA on Cyber Security where he highlighted many statistical numbers much to the appreciation of the receptive audience. In his thanking and closing address to the attendees and participants, V. Rajesh Kumar reasserted the importance of the inviolable urge of every human being to have his/her personal space. Overall there were more than 135 people who had registered for the Summit including General Counsels from many established Companies, CIPs, Infosec, CISO Professionals, Law Firms, ISACA Members, Law Interns etc.

Mr. S.Ramaswamy in his Vote of Thanks thanked the Speakers, Audience, Delegates and last but not the least the Sponsors LexPlosion, Lexis Nexis, ISACA as supporting Partner, iiris Consulting , Medha Advisors Knowledge Partner & Lex Witness Magazine. A huge applause was given to the Law Interns who worked round the Clock to make this event a Success. The Summit ended with a networking Dinner.

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